7 Alternatives to Deadlifts

7 Alternatives to Deadlifts

Why does my back hurt when I deadlift?

The deadlift is an excellent exercise for the entire body. But, the deadlift does tend to have some downsides. Many people find that deadlifting can strain certain parts of their bodies, for example, the lower back.

Your lower back may be irritated while performing the deadlift exercise because deadlifting places a lot of pressure on your lower spine. 

If not due to a previous injury, the most common reason your back hurts while deadlifting is incorrect form. Believe it or not, even experienced lifters get lower back pain if they aren't careful about their form. There shouldn't be any pressure on your lower back; your lower back is not meant to do the work. The bigger muscles in your body, like the glutes and hamstrings, should take most of the workload.

How can you prevent deadlift back pain?

Avoid rounding your back while deadlifting. This is the most common form of mistake that can cause discomfort. Make sure to keep your spine neutral throughout the whole exercise.

You may find it difficult to avoid this strain in the back from the deadlift, or you may be recovering from an injury to the lower back. Due to this, we have decided to create a list of exercise alternatives for you to perform if deadlifts cause you strain or discomfort. If you aren't sure what a deadlift alternative is, we have linked below articles that you can read that will explain the exercises to you.

What are alternatives to deadlifts?

Single-leg DB deadlift

Kettle ball swings

Bulgarian Split Squats

Trap bar deadlift 

Back extensions

Good Mornings

Hip thrusts

When performing these exercises, find which work best for you and your fitness goals. 

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